Linear Algebra
Warwick Linear algebra - lecture notes
Bristol Linear algebra - lecture notes
A field is a set $S$ with two binary operations (a map from $S \times S$ to $S$ ): Addition and Multiplication. These two operations are required to satisfy the field axioms. For example there must be an Additive and Multiplicative Identity in $S$.
A field can also be succintly defined in terms of abelian groups. That is, for each operation individually, the set $S$ with this operation forms an abelian group. Definition 6.3, in the Bristol notes.
A Vector Space over a field $F$ is a set $V$ together with two binary operations that satisfy the eight axioms listed here. In this context, the elements of $V$ are commonly called vectors, and the elements of $F$ are called scalars.
- The first operation, called vector addition or simply addition assigns to any two vectors v and w in $V$ a third vector in $V$ which is commonly written as v + w, and called the sum of these two vectors.
- The second operation, called scalar multiplication,assigns to any scalar a in $F$ and any vector v in $V$ another vector in $V$, which is denoted av
A consequence of the eight axioms for the binary operations is that a linear map always maps the zero vector to the zero vector. Because one of the axioms is that there exists an additive inverse($-\mathbf{v}$) of $\mathbf{v} \in U$ s.t $\mathbf{v}-\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{0}$. Therefore $T(\mathbf{0}_U) = T(\mathbf{v}-\mathbf{v}) = T(\mathbf{v})-T(\mathbf{v}) = \mathbf{0}_V$
For most cases we can just assume that the field $K$ we are using with the set $V$ is $\mathbb{R}$.
A Subspace is a Vector Space contained within another Vector Space. As an example the set containing just the zero vector is always a subspace.
The Kernel and image of a linear transformation are subspaces of the domain and codomain vector spaces respectively.
Linear independence, spanning and bases of vector spaces
- A set of vectors are linearly dependent if there exists a non-trivial linear combination of them that equals zero
- A set of vectors are linearly independent if there does not
A subset $U \subset V$ spans $V$ if every vector in $v \in V$ is a finite linear combination of vectors in $U$
A subset $U \subset V$ is a basis of $V$ if $U$ is linearly independent and $U$ spans $V$.
- The basis of the vector space containing just the zero vector is $\emptyset$. This has no elements so the vector space containing jus the zero vector is zero.
- The vector space $K^n$ has a standard basis: $\{\mathbf{e_1} = (1,0,\dots,0), \dots,\mathbf{e_n} = (0,\dots,0,1)\}$ where 1 denotes the multiplicative identity in $K$.
- With respect to a different basis, the same vector $\mathbf{v}$ will have different coordinates. A basis for a vector space can be thought of as a choice of a system of coordinates.
Proposition: The vectors $v_1, . . . , v_n$ form a basis of $V$ if and only if every $v \in V$ can be written uniquely as $v = α_1v_1 + · · · + α_nv_n$; that is, the coefficients $α_1, . . . , α_n$ are uniquely determined by the vector $v$.
- Basis Theorem - All finite bases of a vector space $V$ contain the same number of vectors.
- We call the number of vectors the dimension of $V$.
- Rank-Nullity Theorem - Let $T : U → V$ be a linear map with $U$ finite dimensional then $rank(T) + nullity(T) = dim(U)$
Linear Transformations
Any matrix leads immediately to a linear transformation and we will see that every linear transformation leads to a matrix
All vectors are mapped to the column space of the matrix
Let $U$, $V$ be two vector spaces over the same field $K$. A linear transformation or linear map $T$ from $U$ to $V$ is a function $T : U → V$ such that :
- $T(u_1 + u_2) = T(u_1) + T(u_2)$ for all $u_1, u_2 ∈ U$
- $T(αu) = αT(u)$ for all $α ∈ K$ and $u ∈ U$.
Important to note that linear maps are only defined over the same field
- Linear maps are uniquely determined by their action on a basis. i.e If we define a function that maps elements in a basis $S \subset U$ to $V$ then there exists a unique linear transformation such that the mapping of basis vectors as we defined it holds.
For vector spaces $U$,$V$ over a field $K$ we denote the set of all linear maps from $U$ to $V$ as $Hom_K(U, V )$.
The operations of scalar multiplication and addition on linear maps in the set $Hom_K(U, V )$ makes $Hom_K(U, V )$ into a vector space over $K$.
One-to-one correspondence between linear maps and matrices
For two vector spaces $U$ and $V$ over a field $K$, of dimension $n$ and $m$ respectively then for a given choice of basis for each vector space there is a one-to-one correspondence between linear maps $U \rightarrow V$ and matrices $K^{m,n}$.
Given a linear map $U \rightarrow V$ and a choice of basis for each, $\{\mathbf{e_1, \dots, e_n}\}$ and $\{\mathbf{f_1, \dots, f_n}\}$. We can construct a matrix $A$, where the $i$th column is given as the coefficients of $T(e_i)$ with respect to the basis of $V$.
These coefficients are uniquely determined, and therefore the matrix is uniquely determined once we have a choice of basis for each vector space.
On the otherhand if we are given a matrix $A$ this tells us what each element of the basis $U$ is mapped to. And we know that linear maps are uniquely determined by their action on a basis.
For example the the identity map $I_V : V → V$ with $I_V (v) = v \quad \forall v ∈ V$ when we choose identical basis. Has corresponding matrix $A$, as constructed above, as the identity matrix with size given by the dimension of the vector space $V$. As the columns of $A$ will just be a vector with a 1 in the corresponding position of the basis vector and 0s elsewhere.
Given $U$ and $V$ and respective basis, let $T$ be a linear map $U \rightarrow V$, and $A$ the matrix which represents $T$ w.r.t the chosen basis. Let the column vectors $\underline{\mathbf{u}} \in K^n$, $\underline{\mathbf{v}} \in$ be the coordinates of vectors $\mathbf{u} \in U$, $\mathbf{v} \in V$ w.r.t the chosen bases. Then $\quad T(\mathbf{u}) = \mathbf{v} \iff A\underline{\mathbf{u}} = \underline{\mathbf{v}}$
- If we use a standard bases for both the domain and codomain then the corrdinate vectors are just the vectors themselves. Therefore
$T(\mathbf{u}) = \mathbf{v} \iff A\mathbf{u} = \mathbf{v}$
- If we use a standard bases for both the domain and codomain then the corrdinate vectors are just the vectors themselves. Therefore
For this section on isomorphisms I have used the book by Jim Hefferon
An isomorphism between two vector spaces $U$ and $V$ over a field $K$, is a bijective linear map $T:U \rightarrow V$.
- When such a map exists, then $U$ is isomorphic to $V$.
Isomorphism is an equivalence relation between vector spaces.
Vector spaces are isomorphic if and only if they have the same dimension. Outline of proof (helps with intuition):
($\Rightarrow$) Let $\{\mathbf{e_1}, \dots, \mathbf{e_n} \}$ be a basis for $U$, then $\{T(\mathbf{e_1}), \dots, T(\mathbf{e_n}) \}$ forms a basis of $V$.
($\Leftarrow$) The map $\quad e:U \rightarrow K^n \quad$ mapping the vectors of $U$ to their coordinates with respect to a chosen basis of $U$ is an isomorphism. Therefore any space of dimension $n$ is isomorphic to $K^n$, and by transitivity of isomorphisms all vector spaces of the same dimension are isomorphic to each other.
From the outline of the proof can see that every vector space $U$ over $K$ of dimension $n$ is isomorphic to $K^n$.
Rank of a matrix
$T : U → V \quad$
- image $\quad im(T) = \{T(\mathbf{u}) : \mathbf{u} \in U\}$
kernel $\quad ker(T) = \{\mathbf{u} \in U\ : T(\mathbf{u}) = \mathbf{0}_v\}$
- rank $\quad dim(im(T))$
If the vector spaces $U$ and $V$ have the same dimension $\, dim(U) = dim(V) = n \,$. Then we have the following statement:
$T$ is bijective $\iff$ $rank(T)=n$
$im(T)$ is spanned by the vectors $T(\mathbf{e_1}),\dots,T(\mathbf{e_n})$. And for a set of vectors that spans a vector space there exists a subsequence which forms a basis (can be shown with the sifting process). By definition, this subset has size $rank(T)$. Also if a vector space has dimension $n$ then any $n$ linearly independent vectors in that vector space is a basis and no $n+1$ vectors can be linearly independent.
Therefore the rank of $T$ is the largest linearly independent subset of $T(\mathbf{e_1}),\dots,T(\mathbf{e_n})$.
The column space of a matrix is the subspace of $K^{m,1}$(column vectors over field $K$) spanned by the columns $c_1, \dots , c_n$ of $A$. The column rank of $A$ is equal to the dimension of the column space of $A$.
Let $U,V$ be vector spaces over the field $K$ with chosen bases $\mathbf{e},\mathbf{f}$, and $T$ a linear map $T:U \rightarrow V$. Then the $rank(T)$ is equal to the column rank of the the matrix $A$ representing $T$ w.r.t our chosen bases.
Let $T’$ denote the linear map $T’:K^n \rightarrow K^m$, defined by the matrix $A$.
$im(T’$) is equal to the column space of $A$, and therefore the $rank(T’)$ equals the column rank of $A$.
Now will show $rank(T’)$ = $rank(T)$. As we will then have: column rank of A = $rank(T’)$ = $rank(T)$
The map $T’$ can be written as $f^{-1} \circ T \circ e^{-1}$, where $f^{-1}, e^{-1}$ are the isomorphisms $f^{-1}: K^m \rightarrow U$, $e^{-1}: K^n \rightarrow U$ that map coordinates back to their vectors. Isomorphisms preserve dimension and therefore $rank(T)$ equals $rank(T’).$
- $rank$ of $T$ is the largest linearly independent subset of $T(\mathbf{e_1}),\dots,T(\mathbf{e_n})$.
The column and row rank of a matrix $A$ are equal. This is called the rank of $A$. A matrix is full rank if its rank is the highest possible for a matrix of the same size.
Other useful results about the rank of matrices are listed below, other results regarding the rank of product of matrices can be found here.
Let $A$ be an $m \times n$ matrix and $B$ an $n \times p$ matrix. Then $rank(AB) \leq min(rank(A), rank(B))$
Let $A$ be an $m \times n$ matrix, then $rank(A^TA) = rank(AA^T) = rank(A)$
Orthogonal matrices are full rank.
The inverse of a linear transformation and of a matrix
Lets first cover a recap of functions and their inverses.
A function $f$, mapping from sets $X$ to $Y$ $f:X \rightarrow Y$ .
- Has a left inverse $g$ if $g \circ f = I_X$, that is the left composition gives the identity map.
- And has a right inverse $h$ if $f \circ h = I_X$
An inverse that is both a left and right inverse (a two-sided inverse), if it exists, must be unique. In fact, if a function has a left inverse and a right inverse, they are both the same two-sided inverse, so it can be called the inverse $f ^−$.
- A function has a two-sided inverse if and only if it is bijective
Inverses of linear maps
Let $T$ be a linear map $T:U \rightarrow V$, from the function recap above $T$ is invertible if $T^{-1}T = I_U$ and $TT^{-1} = I_V$. Also we can show that if a linear map has a two-sided inverse then that inverse is also linear.
If we select a basis for $U$ and $V$ we can get our corresponding matrix $A \; (n \times m)$ for the linear map $T$. If $T$ is invertible then there exists $A^{-1}$ such that $AA^{-1} = I_n$ and $A^{-1}A = I_m$.
If we were given a matrix $A$, and a left inverse and right inverse of that matrix they would have to be equal. As the existence of these matrices would imply that the corresponding function of $A$ has a left and right inverse. And if a function has a left inverse and a right inverse, they are both the same two-sided inverse. Therefore, the right and left inverse matrices must be equal.
If $T$ is invertible, then $dim(U) = dim(V ), \,$ so only square matrices can be invertible.
If any function T has a left and right inverse, then it must be a bijection.
Hence $ker(T) = {0}$ and $im(T) = V$ , so $nullity(T) = 0$ and $rank(T) = dim(V ) = m$.
But by the rank-nullity theorem, we have $n = dim(U) = rank(T) + nullity(T) = m + 0 = m$.
So we know that if $T$ is invertible then the dimension of the domain ($U$) and codomain ($V$) is equal, let this be $n.$
And if $T$ is invertible then the $im(T)$ is equal to $V$ therefore the $rank(T) = dim(V) = n$. We also know that the rank of a linear map is equal to the rank of the corresponding matrix therefore the column rank of $A$ is equal to $n$.
In summary if $A$ is invertible $\implies$ column rank of $A$ is equal to $n$.
Explicitly using what I we have written above:
$T$ is invertible $\iff$ $\, T$ is bijective $\iff$ $\, rank(T) = dim(U) = dim(V) = rank(A) \iff A \,$ is full rank.
$T$ is invertible $\iff$ corresponding matrix $A$ is full rank.
Change of basis and equivalent matrices
Let $U$ be a vector space of dimension $n$, and let $e_1, . . . , e_n$ and $e_1’ , . . . , e_n’$ be two bases of $U$. The matrix $P$ of the identity map $I_U : U → U$ using the basis $e_1, . . . , e_n$ in the domain and $e_1’ , . . . , e_n’$ in the range is called the change of basis matrix from the basis of $e_i$s to the basis of $e’_i$s.
With the matrix $P$ we have that $P\underline{\mathbf{v}} = \underline{\mathbf{v’}}$, where $\underline{\mathbf{v}}$ is the coordinates of $\mathbf{v}$ w.r.t the basis $\mathbf{e}$ and $\underline{\mathbf{v’}}$ is the coordinates of $\mathbf{v}$ w.r.t the basis $\mathbf{e’}$. Therefore $P$ can be seen as the matrix which turns a vector’s coordinates with respect to the “old” basis into the same vector’s coordinates with respect to the “new” basis.
- The change of basis matrix is invertible with the inverse matrix corresponding to the choice of basis being switched.
In fact:
A matrix is a change of basis matrix $\iff$ it is invertible
If we have a linear map $T:U \rightarrow V$ and two different pairs of basis for the domain and codomain $\mathbf{e},\mathbf{f}$ and $\mathbf{e’},\mathbf{f’}$. Represented by the matrices $A$ and $B$ respectively then we have that $B=QAP^{-1}$.
- Two $m \times n$ matrices $A$ and $B$ are said to be equivalent if there exist invertible $P$ and $Q$ with $B = QAP$
- Every invertible matrix is a change of basis matrix.
- Equivalence between matrices gives an equivalence relation
- The following are equivalent:
- A and B are equivalent.
- A and B represent the same linear map with respect to different pairs of bases.
- A and B have the same rank.
- Any matrix is equivalent to the Smith normal form matrix with the Identity matrix part being of size $s$ where $s$ is the rank of the matrix.
The definition of similar matrices is the same as equivalent matrices but now we restrict the domain and codomain vector spaces to be the same.
Two matrices are similar if and only if they represent the same linear map $T : V → V$ with respect to different bases of $V$.