Home Factor Models

Factor Models

Factor Models

Main references:

  1. Multivariate analysis. Probability and mathematical statistics

Model description

The idea of a factor model is to represent each observed variable as a linear combination of some latent (not observed) factors, plus some noise. In particular, if we let $X$ be an $\mathbb{R}^p$ valued random variable, that represents the variables we observe. We then introduce, $F$, a $k$ dimensional random vector as the factor. We then assume that $X$ can be written as:

\[\begin{align*} X = \mu + \Lambda F + \xi \end{align*}\]

Where the matrix of constants $\Lambda$ is referred to as the loadings matrix.

Additional assumptions of this model are:

  • $\mathbb{E}(F) = 0$
  • $\text{Var}(F) = \boldsymbol{I}_k$
  • $\mathbb{E}(\xi) = 0$
  • $\text{Var}(\xi) = \boldsymbol{\Psi} = \text{diag}(\psi_1, \dots, \psi_p)$
  • $\text{Cov}(F, \xi) = 0$

And for the rest of this post, I will assume the data is centred, $\mathbb{E}(X) = 0$, i.e. $\mu = 0$.

The factor model with the assumption that $\text{Var}(F) = \boldsymbol{I}_k$ is often referred to as the strict factor model.


For this model with the assumptions listed above, on the random components, the covariance matrix of $X$ is given by:

\[\begin{align*} \text{Cov}(X) = \Lambda \Lambda^T + \boldsymbol{\Psi} \end{align*}\]

Hence if we look at the variance for a single variable, we can see that it is decomposed into the common variance from the factors and the unique variance from the noise.

\[\begin{align*} \text{Var}(X_i) = \sum_{j=1}^k \lambda_{ij}^2 + \psi_i \end{align*}\]
  • Scale-invariance
    If the variables $X$ are rescaled then the factor model holds with the same factor $F$, but with rescaled loadings and noise covariance matrix.

  • Non-uniqueness
    If the factor model holds then the loadings matrix and factors are not unique. In particular if we have an orthogonal matrix $G$ we can write:

\[\begin{align*} X = \Lambda F + \xi = (\Lambda G) (G^T F) + \xi \end{align*}\]

We now cover the estimation of the parameters $\Lambda$ and $\boldsymbol{\Psi}$, under two frameworks: the standard factor model and the normal linear factor model. In practice we observe a data matrix $X$ and we want to estimate the parameters using the data.

Relation to PCA

If we just look at how the covariance matrix is decomposed in either model.
Let $\mathbf{\Gamma}_x$ denote the covariance matrix.

  • PCA: $\quad \mathbf{\Gamma}x = \mathbf{\Gamma}{x_{[q]}} + \mathbf{\Gamma}_{\xi}$
  • FM : $\quad \mathbf{\Gamma}_x = \mathbf{\Lambda} \mathbf{\Lambda}^T + \mathbf{\Psi}$

That is they are decomposed into a rank $q$ matrix plus another matrix. Where the representation used in PCA (no modelling assumptions), the additional matrix is not necessarily diagonal.

Standard factor model

\[\begin{align*} X = \Lambda F + \xi \end{align*}\]


The loadings matrix $\Lambda$ and the covariance matrix of the noise $\boldsymbol{\Psi}$, need to be estimated. Algorithms for estimating these parameters include: …

Once we have an estimate

Normal linear factor model

Another formulation of the factor model, makes distributional assumptions on the random components of the model.

\[\begin{gather*} X | F \sim N_p(\mathbf{\Lambda} F, \boldsymbol{\Psi}) \\ F \sim N_k(0, \boldsymbol{I}_k) \end{gather*}\]

An advantage of this formulation, is that statistical tests that test for the $k$ common factors are sufficient to describe the data (see [1.] section 9.5).

With these additional probabilistic assumptions, the covariance parameters and loadings matrix can be derived via maximum likelihood estimation. I have previously created these slides, that give a brief description and provides the derivation of the EM steps (after the references).

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