Home Projections



  1. Online lecture notes


In linear algebra a projection is a linear map from a vector space to itself $P:V \rightarrow V$, often a subspace, such that

\[P^2 = P\]

From this we can deduce the following properties:

  • We can write any point in the space $V$ as the sum of an element from $Im(P)$ and $Ker(P)$.
  • The eigenvalues of a projection matrix are 0 or 1.

Projection operators on vector spaces, can be classified into two categories: orthogonal and oblique projections.

Orthogonal Projections

An orthogonal projection

  • An orthogonal projection is a projection for which the image and the null space are orthogonal subspaces
  • A projection is orthogonal if and only if it is self-adjoint/symmetric
    • A self-adjoint matrix with real entries is called symmetric

If we have a vector space $V$ with subspace $U$, out of all projections with image $U$. The projection that minimises the distance from a point $v \in V$ to its projected element $u \in U$, is the orthogonal projection.


Let $v \in V$ and $u \in U$ and $\pi()$ be the orthogonal projector. By the Pythagorean theorem we have that: $||v - u||^2 = ||v - \pi(v)||^2 + ||\pi(v) - u||^2 \geq ||v - \pi(v)||^2$

In an inner-product space, the Pythagorean theorem states that for any two orthogonal vectors v and w we have $||v + w||^2 = ||v||^2 + ||w||^2$.

So $\pi(v) \in Im(\pi)$ and $u \in Im(\pi)$. Therefore $\pi(v) - u\in Im(\pi)$.

$\pi(v - \pi(v)) = 0$ therefore $v - \pi(v) \in ker(\pi)$

Therefore $v - \pi(v)$ and $\pi(v) - u$ are orthogonal, so can use Pythagorean theorem.

Now can see that the minimum is attained if we let $u = \pi(v)$. I.e the projection to the subspace U that minimises the distance is the orthogonal projection.

The matrix that represents the orthogonal projection onto the column space of a matrix $X$ is given by:


In addition, for any full rank/invertible matrix $A$, $XA$ will have the same column space as $X$. And hence it makes sense that substituting $X$ with $XA$ will give the same projection matrix above.

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