Home Linux Commands

Linux Commands

Philosophy of using command line is that input and output files are files.

Basic Commands:

Correct grammar of command is: verb adverb object
where adverb is the flag you add to a command e.g -hl in ls -hl

To view the flags for a command use man e.g man ls

  • cd - go back to previous directory you were in
  • ls list files in a directory
    • ls -hl more human readable version of ls -l
    • ls -t order by modification date, newest first
  • cp copy a file
    • cp data1 data3 copies a data1 file to data3
  • cp -r to copy a folder with files inside
  • rm remove a file
  • mv changes a file name
  • cat output contents of the file
    • head output top part of the file
      • use -n flag to choose the number of lines e.g -5
    • tail print top part of the file
  • less opens a pager to view a file
    • within the pager can use / to search in the file then press n to search for the next file.
  • grep is used to search a file e.g grep "fish" king-lear.txt
    • to count the number of lines in a text file add -c tag grep -c "fish" king-lear.txt
    • to be case insensitive use -i
    • use regular expressions with grep for example wildcard *
    • search in all files and files in subdirectories with -r tag

    Shell scripts are just a text file where we can store linux commands


  • Making google chrome the default application to open .pdf extensions, run in terminal:
xdg-mime default google-chrome.desktop application/pdf
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